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February 2017 Audit Channel: At My Office

How do you start your day? I start my day off with some exercise, often some running, have my breakfast - a bowl of oatmeal or cereal - and then head into office. I arrive at the office between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m.

At My Office – Brandi DiGiorgio, Partner, MarksNelson


How do you start your day? I start my day off with some exercise, often some running, have my breakfast – a bowl of oatmeal or cereal – and then head into office. I arrive at the office between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m.

What’s the first thing a client notices in your office? I usually have a lot on my desk but it’s in organized piles. There might be some tabs so I can quickly find what I’m looking for

Best tip for managing email? The policy at our firm is to respond within 24 hours. I try to look at my email three to four times a day, even the first thing in the morning.

Your favorite scheduling app? – I use my Outlook calendar, and I put reminders there for client deadlines, or internal deadlines, meetings, lunches, when my staff is going to be at particular clients.

The most difficult task you have to do? I would say it’s probably managing expectations from an internal perspective. Since I’m in audit, I make sure the tax department is aware of and monitor their expectations for the wrap up of our work, I manage expectations from clients’ perspectives, I’m the cheerleader for my staff at client offices, visiting them, making sure they are able to work effectively there.

Your niche or specialty? And what do you like best about that niche? I focus on the manufacturing industry. I find it challenging and changing, and I’m able to visit not only with C- level folks but actual operations folks as well, and ask about what their challenges are and how that may impact what I’m seeing their financial statements.

When/where do you get most of your CPE? I attend both webinars and in person CPE – often by state societies. I attend an AICPA conference and go to tech updates, or a manufacturing-focused conference, and I’ll try to attend a webinar that has industry specific information on the manufacturing industry.

How social (media) are you? I’m on LinkedIn and Facebook. I don’t have a Twitter – I’m fairly active. Maybe not compared to some of the kids coming into our office out of college – I can’t keep up with them!

What is the last thing you do before you leave the office? I try to organize my thoughts for the next day, make a list and prioritize my work. I find it important to try to tackle highest priority thing in the morning, so if I have my thoughts in place before I come in in the morning, I can work more effectively.


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